You may get .psd* file of "Skating in clouds. Magic scene" Photoshop tutorial by making a payment. Put the tutorial title in "Add special instructions to seller" line of PayPal and it will be sent to you shortly.
- Click on Layer Mask icon (bottom area of layers Palette).
- You will get clouds separated from background.
- You may add more clouds using the same way.
- Erase superfluous clouds areas using soft brush.
- In order to create shade, merge all layers with clouds, load selection for clouds.
- Fill selection with black color, apply transformation (use Distort Transformation, drug Right corner right and down) and move shade little bit right and down like in the previous example with frame shade.
- Apply Gaussian Blur Filter (3-4 around). Play with shade Opacity.
- Next step, load selection for white clouds and cut out selected area from black shade.