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Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.



  • Create a new document in Photoshop - 1280 *1024px, 72 px/inch.
  • Fill background Layer with color #2b070e.

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

  • Create a new layer, fill it with wallpaper pattern.
  • In order to remove white background, choose Select > Color Range >Fussiness(100%), click white background with Eyedropper Tool > Ok.
  • Delete selected area.
  • Apply following layer style effects to created layer:

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

  • Duplicate "pattern" layer, Set Fill = 0%, apply Gradient Overlay effect.

Insert Old paper texture, move it in the central bottom part of the image.

  • Make ripped edges using small round Eraser Tool.

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

  • Apply following effects:

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

  • You will get something like this:

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

  • Insert Calendar image.

Elegance wallpaper theme. free webdesign photoshop tutorial. Vintage WordPress template, curled paper, corner effect, ripped paper, hole paper, light theme, classic theme style.

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