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  • Group all handle layers and duplicate the created group.
  • Merge the group.
  • Apply Horizontal Flip transformation to the merged layer. Edit > Transform > Horizontal Flip. Move this layer in the bottom of the original handle layers.

Shiny Cold Beer Glass Illustration with colorfull liquid inside and splashing effect.Create realistic glossy glass with liquid in them, make reflections and shadows

  • Make active reflection layer and select left part of it before holders. Keep selection, choose Move Tool Go to Edit > Free Transform. Shrink selected area by horizontal. Choose Edit > Transform > Perspective, shrink left edge of selected reflection(drag left bottom point up a bit). Apply Overlay Blending Mode to this layer.

Shiny Cold Beer Glass Illustration with colorfull liquid inside and splashing effect.Create realistic glossy glass with liquid in them, make reflections and shadows

  • You should have similar result.

  • Make visible beer foam shape.

Shiny Cold Beer Glass Illustration with colorfull liquid inside and splashing effect.Create realistic glossy glass with liquid in them, make reflections and shadows

  • Apply following effects to it.

Shiny Cold Beer Glass Illustration with colorfull liquid inside and splashing effect.Create realistic glossy glass with liquid in them, make reflections and shadows

Shiny Cold Beer Glass Illustration with colorfull liquid inside and splashing effect.Create realistic glossy glass with liquid in them, make reflections and shadows

Shiny Cold Beer Glass Illustration with colorfull liquid inside and splashing effect.Create realistic glossy glass with liquid in them, make reflections and shadows

  • Duplicate foam layer first time, apply settings like on the example below.

Shiny Cold Beer Glass Illustration with colorfull liquid inside and splashing effect.Create realistic glossy glass with liquid in them, make reflections and shadows

Shiny Cold Beer Glass Illustration with colorfull liquid inside and splashing effect.Create realistic glossy glass with liquid in them, make reflections and shadows

Shiny Cold Beer Glass Illustration with colorfull liquid inside and splashing effect.Create realistic glossy glass with liquid in them, make reflections and shadows

Shiny Cold Beer Glass Illustration with colorfull liquid inside and splashing effect.Create realistic glossy glass with liquid in them, make reflections and shadows

Shiny Cold Beer Glass Illustration with colorfull liquid inside and splashing effect.Create realistic glossy glass with liquid in them, make reflections and shadows

Shiny Cold Beer Glass Illustration with colorfull liquid inside and splashing effect.Create realistic glossy glass with liquid in them, make reflections and shadows

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